Travel blogs. Travel Blogs Self-Travel Blog

Unique stories and articles on blogs, supplemented with photo and video materials in which the authors share their experiences on various topics, ranging from inexpensive housing rent and self-renewal of a visa, ending with stories about adventures on the way and a free lifestyle.

Travel style life

Olga Kostyuk's blog about travel, life and family

Olga Kostyuk, a blogger and former travel journalist, has been traveling with her New Zealander husband, Brian, for over five years. They live for a long time in India, Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia, Belarus, New Zealand, Ukraine. Almost two years ago, they were joined by their son Jasper Jones, with whom Olga and Brian traveled thousands of kilometers with a tent across the South Island of New Zealand and across Ukraine. JJ was born with the 47th chromosome, scientifically it sounds like Down syndrome, but it doesn't matter, because the travel continues! And very soon the family will go on another adventure to India and Nepal.

Olga talks about her life in travel style in her blog


Blog of Ekaterina and Stanislav Batov about traveling with children

With a child under her arm, with a smile through life - Ekaterina and Stanislav travel the world and get to know themselves.
2 years ago, having abandoned everything, they took a chance and left for an indefinite journey. Today they managed to live in Thailand, Bali, Spain and Nicaragua. We visited dozens of cities and islands and made good friends.
Today Ekaterina and Stanislav opted for St. Petersburg, but did not stop at all in their movements. Now they are organizing trips for families with children and organizing trips for large companies to forest hikes and cities in Russia.
The guys talk about their life, experience and future plans on the blog

A lifelong road

Irina Kuznetsova's blog about travel, life and work

This blog was created especially for those who want to learn about interesting places ah of our immense world, but first of all about those to which the road leads - a pedestrian road, an automobile road, a railway road.

This world was created for knowledge! Many cities, villages, villages, fields, forests, lakes, seas and oceans; cultures, nationalities and customs; hidden corners of the planet and innermost corners of the Soul - all this is created for You, the one who was born to MOVE! Because movement is LIFE!

The world is at your feet

Tatiana Plyshevskaya's blog about free lifestyle, travel and remote income

In her blog, Tatiana talks about making money on the Internet, traveling the world, and also shares her experience of doing business on the Internet, inspiration and motivation. On the blog, you will find interviews with successful Internet entrepreneurs, freelancers and “remote workers” who, during the conversation, reveal their secrets and generously share their knowledge. So, if you want to learn how to create sources of income on the Internet, be sure to visit Tatiana's blog.

If you are interested in sources of income on the Internet and how other people manage to quit their job and do what they love, then this blog is for


Photoblog about Pavel and Olga's travels

On their blog, they share their impressions, interesting photos and the accumulated experience of independent travel.

All kinds of trips and travels make up a significant part of the life of Pavel and Olga. They decide where they want to go this time and they themselves completely think over everything to the smallest detail. Although not always everything turns out as they plan and this has its own charm. The guys have been traveling for more than 15 years, most often they are hiking and mountain tours. We have covered many routes from the east of Eurasia to the very West. They go hiking not only on their own, but also have been taking those who wish for more than 10 years. In recent years, they are attracted not so much by difficult routes as by new places where there have not yet been new types of travel, as well as carried away by motorcycle

Julia Domracheva

Author's blog about budget travel

Julia is 23 years old, first went abroad with her mother in 2011, at the age of 19. Returning to Russia, Yulia realized that Turkey alone was not enough for her. And then it started: package tours, independent trips, making itineraries, booking hotels, tickets and insurance. A two-week vacation once a year did not allow planning trips and living for herself, and Julia quit her job.

Now Julia teaches English courses remotely, works for Aviasales and leads budget travel blog -

Life in Travels

Self-travel blog

Alexey and Maria Glazunov traveled 34 countries. In their blog they tell not only about the promoted sights, but also about those places that few people know. Recently, they have been staying in each country for several months in order to better feel it and tell the readers. The blog provides useful and practical information that can come in handy along the way. As well as photos, advice, recommendations and of course the impressions of the authors themselves.


Business blog of Vasily Blinov

In his blog, Vasily writes about travel, personal life, self-development, remote work and business on the Internet. Since mid-2014, the author began to receive the first money on the Internet and went to travel.

Vasily is open for communication with interesting and successful people.

The blog will primarily be of interest to anyone interested in remote income and a free lifestyle -

My mentor and Startup dacha

Author's projects by Evgeny Kasyanov

Evgeny Kasyanov is a traveler, internet entrepreneur and a very interesting person. In a short description, it will not be possible to tell about Eugene's life in detail, so I recommend reading his autobiography Into the unknown... The book is very interesting and full of motivation. Reading it, you think that sometimes your problems are not so serious in comparison with what happens in the lives of other people.

On this moment Evgeny has two interesting projects My mentor and Startup dacha.


Anastasia Fomchina's blog about travel, immigration and life abroad

The author of the blog has always been attracted by interesting places and unbridled beauty of different parts of the world. After 2 years of study and life in the United States, Anastasia single-handedly went to travel to Europe, Asia, Central and South America, met many interesting people, visited the most unusual places and, it seems, began to look at the world differently.
In her project Journey4ever, Anastasia shares beautiful and sincere articles about independent travel around the world, tells how to get a visa in the United States, when you need a visa when transit through the Schengen zone, how to find an inexpensive university in America, and much more.

The best travel blogs.

Top personal blogs for independent travelers in order of my subjective interest. My criteria: a minimum of any sugar and water and as much real details and life as possible.

- My blog.
@AnnaTamila - Instagram.
Photo reports, travel guides, stories from different strange places, plus I write about freelancing and organizing work in constant travel.

Ilya Bondarev- video blog about rooftop travel, motorcycles in LA, on freight trains on different countries etc.

Vadim Makhorov's blog
@Makhorov - Instagram.
A blog about unrealistically steep climbing trips, mainly along the most inaccessible rooftops in the world. Considering my penchant for places like this and the steepness of the execution, these are top tops for me. Now the guys are making vidos, from which you start to grab hold of the surrounding supports (mice, table, arm chairs) with sweaty palms.

Andrey MSh- video blog on abandoned buildings.

Sergey Sayman- extreme and trash. Real.

Tramp Fishye- The dude travels without money and phone to different cities and communicates with different people.

Artemy Lebedev's blog
Everything ingenious is simple. About travel and a lot of banter.

The blog of Sergei Balovin, who in 2009 began to travel without money, painting portraits in exchange for meals, gifts or tickets for any type of transport.

Sasha Fedorov- documentary filmmaker. Cool expeditions, Indians, etc. Instagram: bad.planet

Public Vk Dharma Tramps: - here many travelers publish their travel notes and photos at once. Many real and interesting travels and blogs.

Sergey Share's blog:
This is not a travel guide, but a blog about the life of a normal traveler, far from a downshifter.

Alternative guide:
This is a cool site with points of interest on the map. Started from the blog of one person, although there are now many authors. For traveling in Russia, this is the number 1 useful thing.

Blog about Norway: or rather about the Laufontaine Islands, by the American photographer Cody Duncan in English. All stunning points with descriptions, coordinates and photos are handed over at any time of the year.

Sinus's blog(Igor Sokolov):
The iconic travel biker blog.

Kotovsky's website:
Traveling and cycling. Many Europe and different countries.

Ilya Varlamov's blog:
Travel and social topics.

Oleg Lazhechnikov's blog
A lot of useful things for travelers and the real everyday life of real life is not hidden.

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Be sure to familiarize yourself with each one and make sure that traveling with your little one is fun, not a problem!

TOP 10 Inspirational Blogs for Traveling with Children





















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For everyone who thinks that traveling with children is hard, tiring and difficult to implement, we suggest reading the stories of people who are not afraid to travel around the world with their children. Perhaps one of these blogs will inspire you for some kind of travel adventure!


Is it possible to continue traveling after giving birth to a child, or even two or three? Is it time to rush to adventure again, or are you now doomed to lie on the beach of the hotel chosen by the tour operator? Will you see the nooks and crannies of Asia, Africa and the Americas, or is it shining for you to force yourself to enjoy civilized Europe over and over again?

The purpose of this magazine is to prove that the concepts of "child" and "travel" are not mutually exclusive, there is no need to choose between them. With children, you can continue to actively, exciting and independently travel, not content with package tours and crowded beaches.

This community is full of useful information: tips, routes, travel reports. Moreover, unlike similar ones on the subject travel_kids and family_travel, there is no advertising of travel agencies - only the experience and emotions of people who like to travel around the world with children.

Blogs for travelers with children -

The heroes of this blog are a family of four (for now) people. Their names are Pasha and Anya (these are adults), Tim and Yegor (these are children). Currently, this cheerful four set off on an indefinite journey across Southeast Asia and further around the world.

"Perhaps our attitude to life and our view of the world may seem unusual and too radical to many. We live the way we want, and not the way we" should ", and do not bother with the sidelong glances of those who think it is wrong. We are supporters independence in everything - for example, we travel independently, help our children get an education on their own, and we also try to make a living ourselves - without bosses and without subordinates "- this is how they themselves describe their attitude to life.

Travel blogs with children -

Cyril and Dasha are freely traveling people who depend on few people. Their names will tell you little, so there is no point in listing them in this article. They have been traveling for a long time, and even the birth of a son could not extinguish this passion. Phrases like "it is not recommended to go anywhere outside your own burrow before the expiration of the 3-year period" caused them only a skeptical smile. Therefore, the couple, together with one-year-old Max, went to Thailand for the winter.

In their blog, they give useful advice from the category of "flying with a baby to Thailand", "what to eat for a nursing mother in Thailand", etc. Useful as it is based on personal experience.

Travel blogs with kids -

There are three of them, and they are a family of nomads. The head of the family is a one-year-old daughter named Jai, who has already traveled with her parents to Thailand, in particular to Chiang Mai and Koh Samui.

In their blog, the couple describes all the most interesting moments of traveling with a small child: they share their experiences, give advice, talk about the feelings of little Jaya, about how the little one endures the road, a new climate, new people.


Travel blogs with children -

A couple from Moscow Kostya and Eteri are tired of sitting in a dusty and noisy city and constantly worrying about the health of their son Damid. As a result, they made a decision: to quit routine office work and go traveling with the baby.

We've always loved to travel, ”the couple says. - Even before the appearance of the baby and the exit from corporate slavery, our life was reduced to waiting for a vacation. When we learned that we would become parents, at first, like many novice parents, we were confident that independent travel was over for many years. And in their place, only in a couple of years, package tours to Greece and other digestible children's places with excellent service and good hotels will appear. But over time, the realization came that a child and travel are not mutually exclusive concepts, but even the other way around. What mom doesn't want her child to eat fresh fruit instead of dirty snow on the street? What dad doesn't dream of playing football with his toddler or lounging on the beach instead of waiting for the end of the working day?

Nothing to add - read the blog!


Blogs of travelers with children -

Just imagine - the protagonist of this blog, Matthew, is only 2 and a half years old. But he can already rightfully be considered an experienced traveler, because on his account: 14 European countries from Portugal to Norway, 30 thousand km by car, hundreds of kilometers by bike, light trekking trips, 8 air flights and two nights in a tent.

Lisa Goodmurphy is a Canadian woman who, after giving birth to a child, firmly decided that this is not a reason to give up traveling. As a result, since 4 months, her daughter Katie has been traveling around the world with her mother. Now the girl is already 15 years old, she now also has a younger sister. It was only recently that her mother decided to document family adventures.

And, maybe, the travel map will not impress experienced backpackers very much, but the blog has a lot of vivid photos. For parents who do not dare to go somewhere with their child - this is the most for inspiration.


Travel blogs with kids -

I travel with my children, because I believe that the more places I show them, the better, the more fully they will perceive everything that is around us, - writes Mara, the author of the blog. - I am preparing them to become citizens of the world and, perhaps, one day work to make this world a better place. And I write about traveling with my kids because I love writing, nothing else.

Mary has two sons, with whom she has already visited places from Arizona to Paris. Her lyrics are just aimed at inspiring the same mothers to travel. All notes are very emotional and funny. Even if after reading you do not dare to leave your "hut", then at least enjoy it.


Travel blogs with kids -

The name of this blog speaks for itself - "Around the world with Luke." Two people write there - former lawyer Linda and ex-librarian Phil. Just a couple of years ago, they were an ordinary couple - they lived in South Dublin, worked, raised their beloved son Luka. But then a financial crisis broke out in Ireland (and not only, but especially in Ireland): Linda lost her job, her husband was also sitting idle at that time. But the couple had some savings, so they decided to change their lives and start traveling the world!

And not just like that, but on bicycles! In 2010, Linda, Phil, and 2-year-old Luca embarked on their exciting trip. They have already traveled around Europe, and even visited Asia - Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia.